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This article outlines how to show reduction targets for all tilt_subsectors per grouping_sector using product-level output of Sector profile indicator.


Example subset of product-level output of Sector profile

sector_product_example <- product_sector |>
  select(c("tilt_sector", "tilt_subsector", "scenario", "year", "reduction_targets")) |>

kable(sector_product_example |> head(20))
tilt_sector tilt_subsector scenario year reduction_targets
construction construction residential 1.5C RPS 2030 0.18
construction construction residential 1.5C RPS 2050 0.98
construction construction residential NZ 2050 2030 0.40
construction construction residential NZ 2050 2050 0.97
metals other metals 1.5C RPS 2030 0.09
metals other metals 1.5C RPS 2050 0.95
metals other metals NZ 2050 2030 0.22
metals other metals NZ 2050 2050 0.96
metals iron & steel 1.5C RPS 2030 0.22
metals iron & steel 1.5C RPS 2050 0.96
metals iron & steel NZ 2050 2030 0.23
metals iron & steel NZ 2050 2050 0.94

Shows reduction targets for all tilt_subsectors per grouping_sector

Reduction targets for all tilt_subsectors per grouping_sector
tilt_sector tilt_subsector IPR_2030 IPR_2050 WEO_2030 WEO_2050
construction construction residential 0.18 0.98 0.40 0.97
metals iron & steel 0.22 0.96 0.23 0.94
other metals 0.09 0.95 0.22 0.96