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This article shows how to calculate the descriptive analysis of co2_footprint per benchmark using product-level output of Emissions profile indicator.


Example subset of product-level output of Emissions profile.

grouping_emission tilt_sector tilt_subsector unit isic_4digit co2_footprint product activity_uuid_product_uuid
tilt_subsector group chemicals kg ‘5555’ 1 water uuid1
tilt_subsector group chemicals kg ‘5555’ 4 television uuid2
tilt_subsector group chemicals kg ‘5555’ 9 tables uuid3
tilt_subsector group chemicals kg ‘5555’ 8 electricity uuid4
tilt_subsector group chemicals kg ‘5555’ NA meat uuid5
tilt_subsector group iron & steel m3 ‘6666’ 1 tables uuid3
tilt_subsector group iron & steel m3 ‘6666’ 2 water uuid1
tilt_subsector group iron & steel m3 ‘6666’ 4 tent uuid6

Descriptive analysis for benchmark “all”

#> Warning: Using an external vector in selections was deprecated in tidyselect 1.1.0.
#>  Please use `all_of()` or `any_of()` instead.
#>   # Was:
#>   data %>% select(group_benchmark)
#>   # Now:
#>   data %>% select(all_of(group_benchmark))
#> See <>.
#> This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
#> Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
#> generated.
Descriptive analysis for benchmark all
# of distinct products min CO2e max CO2e mean CO2e median CO2e
6 1 9 4.142857 4

Descriptive analysis for benchmark “tilt_subsector”

Descriptive analysis for benchmark tilt_subsector
tilt_sector tilt_subsector # of distinct products min CO2e max CO2e mean CO2e median CO2e
group chemicals 5 1 9 5.500000 6
iron & steel 3 1 4 2.333333 2

Five products with lowest CO2e values

Five products with lowest CO2e values
product co2_footprint
water 1
tables 1
water 2
television 4
tent 4

Five products with highest CO2e values

Five products with highest CO2e values
product co2_footprint
tables 9
electricity 8
television 4
tent 4
water 2