The goal of tiltAddCO2 is to add CO2 data to tilt profiles.
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
file <- toy_emissions_profile_products_ecoinvent()
co2 <- read_csv(file, show_col_types = FALSE)
profile <- toy_profile_emissions_impl_output()
with_co2 <- profile |>
with_co2 |>
unnest_product() |>
#> # A tibble: 456 × 28
#> co2_footprint companies_id company_name country emission_profile benchmark
#> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 303. asteria_megalo… asteria_meg… austria high all
#> 2 303. asteria_megalo… asteria_meg… austria high isic_4di…
#> 3 303. asteria_megalo… asteria_meg… austria high tilt_sec…
#> 4 303. asteria_megalo… asteria_meg… austria high unit
#> 5 303. asteria_megalo… asteria_meg… austria high unit_isi…
#> 6 303. asteria_megalo… asteria_meg… austria high unit_til…
#> 7 303. skarn_gallinule skarn_galli… austria high all
#> 8 303. skarn_gallinule skarn_galli… austria high isic_4di…
#> 9 303. skarn_gallinule skarn_galli… austria high tilt_sec…
#> 10 303. skarn_gallinule skarn_galli… austria high unit
#> # ℹ 446 more rows
#> # ℹ 22 more variables: ep_product <chr>, matched_activity_name <chr>,
#> # matched_reference_product <chr>, unit <chr>, multi_match <lgl>,
#> # matching_certainty <chr>, matching_certainty_company_average <chr>,
#> # tilt_sector <chr>, tilt_subsector <chr>, isic_4digit <chr>,
#> # isic_4digit_name <chr>, company_city <chr>, postcode <chr>, address <chr>,
#> # main_activity <chr>, activity_uuid_product_uuid <chr>, …
with_co2 |>
unnest_company() |>
#> # A tibble: 1,728 × 13
#> co2_avg companies_id company_name country emission_profile_share
#> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 303. asteria_megalotomusquinq… asteria_meg… austria 1
#> 2 303. asteria_megalotomusquinq… asteria_meg… austria 0
#> 3 303. asteria_megalotomusquinq… asteria_meg… austria 0
#> 4 303. asteria_megalotomusquinq… asteria_meg… austria 0
#> 5 303. asteria_megalotomusquinq… asteria_meg… austria 1
#> 6 303. asteria_megalotomusquinq… asteria_meg… austria 0
#> 7 303. asteria_megalotomusquinq… asteria_meg… austria 0
#> 8 303. asteria_megalotomusquinq… asteria_meg… austria 0
#> 9 303. asteria_megalotomusquinq… asteria_meg… austria 1
#> 10 303. asteria_megalotomusquinq… asteria_meg… austria 0
#> # ℹ 1,718 more rows
#> # ℹ 8 more variables: emission_profile <chr>, benchmark <chr>,
#> # matching_certainty_company_average <chr>, company_city <chr>,
#> # postcode <chr>, address <chr>, main_activity <chr>,
#> # profile_ranking_avg <dbl>