The goal of is to assess whether each product of the SME is eligible for the EU taxonomy regulation.
You can install the development version of from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
# install.packages("pak")
Testing EU Taxonomy Eligibility
The products of each Europages company are matched with the Ecoinvent activities. To test whether Europages products are EU Taxonomy eligible, we will match the Ecoinvent activities of these products with the EU Taxonomy activities. The matching process determines whether the product is taxonomy-eligible or not. If the Ecoinvent activity matches a taxonomy activity, then it is classified as eligible. If the product does not match any taxonomy activity, then it is classified as not eligible.
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
options(readr.show_col_types = FALSE)
options(width = 300)
Load Data
Load Europages products matched with Ecoinvent activities
is extracted from the dataframe profile_companies
created by the Python class PCompanies
in the tiltIndicatorBefore
repository. It contains Europages companies and products matched with Ecoinvent activities (along with isic_4digit
). We will select the product-level columns from the whole dataset.
ep_products_ei_activities_product <- ep_companies_ei_activities_at_product_level(ep_companies_ei_activities)
ep_products_ei_activities_product |>
#> # A tibble: 5 × 4
#> ep_product activity_uuid_product_uuid ecoinvent_activity_name isic_4digit
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 ptfe sealing gaskets ff8730f0-d92e-54ed-9a8e-09fc7920cf87_888e7520-545c-4857-a07a-094575afe6ca sealing tape production, aluminium/PE, 50 mm wide 2220
#> 2 bending 77ac10a7-6b05-5e27-8e5c-4358517b1ef6_8aa5cd19-c1ca-49f1-8efb-c7a28f5ad71f section bar rolling, steel 2410
#> 3 cutting 53dae40f-2bf3-5063-9aeb-4e9de4375cc7_c17bc9a6-70c2-49c3-ad5e-16840fa81178 potato haulm cutting 0161
#> 4 ethyl alcohol 46ef86a4-d9d5-5185-a2df-94a57b0e7b6f_1a71f77c-edaa-4365-a192-f54ac538d033 ethyl acetate production 2011
#> 5 phenols 9f3b74f9-c86d-5866-992f-e7a04ac19653_55b66789-289c-4f21-8d9b-3236e726b933 phenol production, from cumene 2011
EU Taxonomy Activties of EU Taxonomy regulation objectives
EU Taxonomy Regulation sets out six climate and environmental objectives. The six objectives are Climate change mitigation, Climate change adaptation, Protection of water, Transition to a circular economy, Pollution Prevention, and Protection of biodiversity. Each objective outlines those activities which adhere to environmentally sustainable standards. They also outline the information regarding their contribution type, SCC alignment, and DNSH alignment. A subset of activities which follow each objective:
# Climate change mitigation
eu_tax_climate_mitigation |>
#> # A tibble: 2 × 12
#> Activity NACE Sector `Activity number` `Contribution type` Description Substantial contribu…¹ DNSH on Climate adap…² `DNSH on Water` DNSH on Circular eco…³ DNSH on Pollution pr…⁴ `DNSH on Biodiversity`
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Manufacture of other low carbon technologies C22, C25, C26, C27, C28 Manufacturing 3.6 Enabling Manufacture of technologies aimed at substant… The economic activity… The activity complies… The activity c… The activity assesses… The activity complies… The activity complies…
#> 2 Manufacture of cement C23.51 Manufacturing 3.7 Transitional Manufacture of cement clinker, cement or alte… The activity manufact… The activity complies… The activity c… N/A The activity complies… The activity complies…
#> # ℹ abbreviated names: ¹`Substantial contribution criteria`, ²`DNSH on Climate adaptation`, ³`DNSH on Circular economy`, ⁴`DNSH on Pollution prevention`
# Climate change adaptation
eu_tax_climate_adaptation |>
#> # A tibble: 2 × 12
#> Activity NACE Sector `Activity number` `Contribution type` Description Substantial contribu…¹ DNSH on Climate miti…² `DNSH on Water` DNSH on Circular eco…³ DNSH on Pollution pr…⁴ `DNSH on Biodiversity`
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Afforestation A2 Fores… 1.1 Enabling Establishm… 1. The economic activ… 1. Afforestation plan… The activity c… N/A The use of pesticides… In areas designated b…
#> 2 Rehabilitation and restoration of forests, including reforestation and natural forest regeneration afte… A2 Fores… 1.2 Enabling Rehabilita… 1. The economic activ… 1. Forest management … The activity c… The silvicultural cha… The use of pesticides… In areas designated b…
#> # ℹ abbreviated names: ¹`Substantial contribution criteria`, ²`DNSH on Climate mitigation`, ³`DNSH on Circular economy`, ⁴`DNSH on Pollution prevention`
# Protection of water
eu_tax_water_protection |>
#> # A tibble: 2 × 12
#> Activity NACE Sector `Activity number` `Contribution type` Description Substantial contribu…¹ DNSH on Climate miti…² DNSH on Climate adap…³ DNSH on Circular eco…⁴ DNSH on Pollution pr…⁵ `DNSH on Biodiversity`
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Water supply E36.00, F42.9 Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation 2.1 <NA> Construction, extensio… 1. For the operation … N/A The activity complies… N/A N/A The activity complies…
#> 2 Urban Waste Water Treatment E37.00, F42.9 Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation 2.2 <NA> Construction, extensio… 1. The waste water tr… An assessment of the … The activity complies… N/A Discharges to receivi… The activity complies…
#> # ℹ abbreviated names: ¹`Substantial contribution criteria`, ²`DNSH on Climate mitigation`, ³`DNSH on Climate adaptation`, ⁴`DNSH on Circular economy`, ⁵`DNSH on Pollution prevention`
# Transition to a Circular Economy
eu_tax_circular_economy_transition |>
#> # A tibble: 2 × 12
#> Activity NACE Sector `Activity number` `Contribution type` Description Substantial contribu…¹ DNSH on Climate miti…² DNSH on Climate adap…³ `DNSH on Water` DNSH on Pollution pr…⁴ `DNSH on Biodiversity`
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Manufacture of plastic packaging goods C22.22 Manufacturing 1.1 <NA> Manufacture of plastic packaging goods.The economic ac… 1. The activity compl… For plastic manufactu… The activity complies… The activity c… The activity complies… The activity complies…
#> 2 Manufacture of electrical and electronic equipment C26, C27 Manufacturing 1.2 <NA> Manufacturing of electrical and electronic equipment f… 1. Where the economic… Where the manufacture… The activity complies… The activity c… The activity complies… The activity complies…
#> # ℹ abbreviated names: ¹`Substantial contribution criteria`, ²`DNSH on Climate mitigation`, ³`DNSH on Climate adaptation`, ⁴`DNSH on Pollution prevention`
# Pollution Prevention
eu_tax_pollution_prevention |>
#> # A tibble: 2 × 12
#> Activity NACE Sector `Activity number` `Contribution type` Description Substantial contribu…¹ DNSH on Climate miti…² DNSH on Climate adap…³ `DNSH on Water` DNSH on Circular eco…⁴ `DNSH on Biodiversity`
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Manufacture of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) or active substances C21.1 Manufacturing 1.1 NA Manufacture of active pharmaceut… 1. The activity compl… Where the activity in… The activity complies… 1. Waste water… The activity assesses… The activity complies…
#> 2 Manufacture of medicinal products C21.2 Manufacturing 1.2 NA Manufacture of medicinal product… 1. The activity compl… Where the activity in… The activity complies… 1. Waste water… The activity assesses… The activity complies…
#> # ℹ abbreviated names: ¹`Substantial contribution criteria`, ²`DNSH on Climate mitigation`, ³`DNSH on Climate adaptation`, ⁴`DNSH on Circular economy`
# Protection and restoration of Biodiversity
eu_tax_biodiversity_protection |>
#> # A tibble: 2 × 12
#> Activity NACE Sector `Activity number` `Contribution type` Description Substantial contribu…¹ DNSH on Climate miti…² DNSH on Climate adap…³ `DNSH on Water` DNSH on Circular eco…⁴ DNSH on Pollution pr…⁵
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Conservation, including restoration, of habitats[1], ecosystems[2] and species <NA> Environmental … 1.1 NA Initiation… "1. General condition… The activity does not… The activity complies… The activity c… N/A The use of pesticides…
#> 2 Hotels, holiday, camping grounds and similar accommodation I55.10, I55.20, I55.30 Accommodation … 2.1 NA The provis… "1. Contribution to c… For buildings built b… The activity complies… The activity c… The accommodation est… The activity complies…
#> # ℹ abbreviated names: ¹`Substantial contribution criteria`, ²`DNSH on Climate mitigation`, ³`DNSH on Climate adaptation`, ⁴`DNSH on Circular economy`, ⁵`DNSH on Pollution prevention`
EU Taxonomy Activities’ keywords
This prototype focuses on a small subset of 7 taxonomy activities which are shown below. Each taxonomy activity is assigned domain-specific keywords which are chosen manually and with the help of OpenAI’s ChatGPT model. They are used to improve the quality of the match between Ecoinevnt activities and EU Taxonomy activities by searching each keyword in the matched ecoinvent activity. Only those EU Taxonomy activities are selected as good matches which have at least one keyword present in the matched ecoinvent activity.
#> # A tibble: 7 × 2
#> tax_activity tax_activity_keywords
#> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Afforestation silviculture; afforestation; planting trees; nurturing trees; harvesting trees; forestry activities; forest management; forest maintenance; restore land; logging
#> 2 Rehabilitation and restoration of forests, including reforestation and natural forest regeneration after an extreme event reforestation; timber harvesting; non-wood collection; forestry support; forest rehabilitation; forest regeneration
#> 3 Forest management silviculture; logging; non-wood gathering; forestry support
#> 4 Manufacture of iron and steel iron; steel; ferrous metal; metal; metallurgical; ferrous alloy; steelworks; alloy
#> 5 Manufacture of chlorine chlorine; sodium chloride; chlor-alkali
#> 6 Manufacture of organic basic chemicals acetylene; ethylene; propylene; butadiene; mixed alkylbenzenes; mixed alkylnaphthalenes; cyclohexane; benzene; xylene isomers; ethylbenzene; cumene; biphenyl; terphenyls; viny…
#> 7 Manufacture of plastics in primary form resin; plastic; thermoplastic elastomer
Load NACE-ISIC sector mapper
NACE-ISIC sector mapper serves as the activity matching bridge between the Ecoinvent activities and EU Taxonomy activities.
isic_nace_mapper |>
#> 1 A A
#> 2 A1 01
#> 3 A1.1 011
#> 4 A1.11 0111
#> 5 A1.12 0112
All EU Taxonomy activities with keywords
This step collects all EU Taxonomy activities into a single table from six objective tables. Then, each activity will be assigned domain-specific keywords using eu_tax_activities_keywords
. We have assigned keywords to only 7 taxonomy activities, hence we will filter out other taxonomy activities in this example.
eu_tax_activities_all_with_keywords <- eu_tax_activities_all(
eu_tax_climate_mitigation, eu_tax_climate_adaptation,
eu_tax_water_protection, eu_tax_circular_economy_transition,
eu_tax_pollution_prevention, eu_tax_biodiversity_protection
) |>
eu_tax_activities_all_with_keywords(eu_tax_activities_keywords) |>
eu_tax_activities_all_with_keywords |>
#> # A tibble: 10 × 4
#> tax_activity nace tax_activity_description tax_activity_keywords
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Afforestation A2 Establishment of forest through planting, deliberate seeding or natural regeneration on land that, until then, was under a different land use or … silviculture; affore…
#> 2 Rehabilitation and restoration of forests, including reforestation and natural forest regeneration after an extreme event A2 Rehabilitation and restoration of forests as defined by national law. Where national law does not contain such a definition, rehabilitation and r… reforestation; timbe…
#> 3 Forest management A2 Forest management as defined by national law. Where national law does not contain such a definition, forest management corresponds to any economi… silviculture; loggin…
#> 4 Manufacture of iron and steel C24.10 Manufacture of iron and steel. The economic activities in this category could be associated with several NACE codes, in particular C24.10, C24.20… iron; steel; ferrous…
#> 5 Manufacture of iron and steel C24.20 Manufacture of iron and steel. The economic activities in this category could be associated with several NACE codes, in particular C24.10, C24.20… iron; steel; ferrous…
#> 6 Manufacture of iron and steel C24.31 Manufacture of iron and steel. The economic activities in this category could be associated with several NACE codes, in particular C24.10, C24.20… iron; steel; ferrous…
#> 7 Manufacture of iron and steel C24.32 Manufacture of iron and steel. The economic activities in this category could be associated with several NACE codes, in particular C24.10, C24.20… iron; steel; ferrous…
#> 8 Manufacture of iron and steel C24.33 Manufacture of iron and steel. The economic activities in this category could be associated with several NACE codes, in particular C24.10, C24.20… iron; steel; ferrous…
#> 9 Manufacture of iron and steel C24.34 Manufacture of iron and steel. The economic activities in this category could be associated with several NACE codes, in particular C24.10, C24.20… iron; steel; ferrous…
#> 10 Manufacture of iron and steel C24.51 Manufacture of iron and steel. The economic activities in this category could be associated with several NACE codes, in particular C24.10, C24.20… iron; steel; ferrous…
Matching NACE codes to Ecoinvent activities
NACE sector codes are used to match Ecoinvent activities with EU Taxonomy activities. Ecoinvent activities table ep_products_ei_activities
don’t have NACE codes. As a first step, to match NACE codes to ep_products_ei_activities
, we will use the ISIC sector codes as the mapper present in the nace_isic_mapper
ecoinvent_activities_with_nace <- ecoinvent_activities_with_nace(ep_products_ei_activities_product, isic_nace_mapper)
ecoinvent_activities_with_nace |>
#> # A tibble: 5 × 5
#> ep_product activity_uuid_product_uuid ecoinvent_activity_name isic_4digit NACE
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 ptfe sealing gaskets ff8730f0-d92e-54ed-9a8e-09fc7920cf87_888e7520-545c-4857-a07a-094575afe6ca sealing tape production, aluminium/PE, 50 mm wide 2220 C22.21
#> 2 ptfe sealing gaskets ff8730f0-d92e-54ed-9a8e-09fc7920cf87_888e7520-545c-4857-a07a-094575afe6ca sealing tape production, aluminium/PE, 50 mm wide 2220 C22.22
#> 3 ptfe sealing gaskets ff8730f0-d92e-54ed-9a8e-09fc7920cf87_888e7520-545c-4857-a07a-094575afe6ca sealing tape production, aluminium/PE, 50 mm wide 2220 C22.23
#> 4 ptfe sealing gaskets ff8730f0-d92e-54ed-9a8e-09fc7920cf87_888e7520-545c-4857-a07a-094575afe6ca sealing tape production, aluminium/PE, 50 mm wide 2220 C22.29
#> 5 bending 77ac10a7-6b05-5e27-8e5c-4358517b1ef6_8aa5cd19-c1ca-49f1-8efb-c7a28f5ad71f section bar rolling, steel 2410 C24.10
Matching Ecoinvent activities (with NACE) to EU Taxonomy activities
NACE codes are used to match Ecoinvent activities and EU Taxonomy activities. Both the tables eu_tax_activities_all_with_keywords
and ecoinvent_activities_with_nace
have the NACE codes. After matching Ecoinvent activities and EU Taxonomy activities, there is a one-to-many relationship between taxonomy activities and Ecoinvent activities respectively. This means that a single taxonomy activity is related to multiple ecoinvent activities.
ecoinvent_activities_eu_tax_activities <- ecoinvent_activities_eu_tax_activities(ecoinvent_activities_with_nace, eu_tax_activities_all_with_keywords)
#> # A tibble: 253 × 8
#> ep_product activity_uuid_product_uuid ecoinvent_activity_name isic_4digit NACE tax_activity tax_activity_description tax_activity_keywords
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 ptfe sealing gaskets ff8730f0-d92e-54ed-9a8e-09fc7920cf87_888e7520-545c-4857-a07a-094575afe6ca sealing tape production, aluminium/PE, 50 mm wide 2220 C22.21 <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> 2 ptfe sealing gaskets ff8730f0-d92e-54ed-9a8e-09fc7920cf87_888e7520-545c-4857-a07a-094575afe6ca sealing tape production, aluminium/PE, 50 mm wide 2220 C22.22 <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> 3 ptfe sealing gaskets ff8730f0-d92e-54ed-9a8e-09fc7920cf87_888e7520-545c-4857-a07a-094575afe6ca sealing tape production, aluminium/PE, 50 mm wide 2220 C22.23 <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> 4 ptfe sealing gaskets ff8730f0-d92e-54ed-9a8e-09fc7920cf87_888e7520-545c-4857-a07a-094575afe6ca sealing tape production, aluminium/PE, 50 mm wide 2220 C22.29 <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> 5 bending 77ac10a7-6b05-5e27-8e5c-4358517b1ef6_8aa5cd19-c1ca-49f1-8efb-c7a28f5ad71f section bar rolling, steel 2410 C24.10 Manufacture of iron and steel Manufacture of iron and steel. The economic activities in this category could be… iron; steel; ferrous…
#> 6 bending 77ac10a7-6b05-5e27-8e5c-4358517b1ef6_8aa5cd19-c1ca-49f1-8efb-c7a28f5ad71f section bar rolling, steel 2410 C24.20 Manufacture of iron and steel Manufacture of iron and steel. The economic activities in this category could be… iron; steel; ferrous…
#> 7 bending 77ac10a7-6b05-5e27-8e5c-4358517b1ef6_8aa5cd19-c1ca-49f1-8efb-c7a28f5ad71f section bar rolling, steel 2410 C24.31 Manufacture of iron and steel Manufacture of iron and steel. The economic activities in this category could be… iron; steel; ferrous…
#> 8 bending 77ac10a7-6b05-5e27-8e5c-4358517b1ef6_8aa5cd19-c1ca-49f1-8efb-c7a28f5ad71f section bar rolling, steel 2410 C24.32 Manufacture of iron and steel Manufacture of iron and steel. The economic activities in this category could be… iron; steel; ferrous…
#> 9 bending 77ac10a7-6b05-5e27-8e5c-4358517b1ef6_8aa5cd19-c1ca-49f1-8efb-c7a28f5ad71f section bar rolling, steel 2410 C24.33 Manufacture of iron and steel Manufacture of iron and steel. The economic activities in this category could be… iron; steel; ferrous…
#> 10 bending 77ac10a7-6b05-5e27-8e5c-4358517b1ef6_8aa5cd19-c1ca-49f1-8efb-c7a28f5ad71f section bar rolling, steel 2410 C24.34 Manufacture of iron and steel Manufacture of iron and steel. The economic activities in this category could be… iron; steel; ferrous…
#> # ℹ 243 more rows
Keywords search to validate match between Ecoinvent activities and EU Taxonomy activities
As there is a one-to-many relationship between taxonomy activities and Ecoinvent activities, there is a high chance that we might get bad matches between activities. Hence, taxonomy_keywords
will be used to check whether ecoinvent activities are a closer match to the matched taxonomy activities or not. Each keyword is separated by a semicolon (;), and any value between consecutive semicolons will be matched with ecoinvent activity. If a single taxonomy keyword is present in the ecoinvent_activity_name
column, the presence is stated with “TRUE” in the keyword_is_present
column. And “FALSE” is stated if the keyword is not present.
eco_activities_after_keywords_search <- eco_activities_after_keywords_search(ecoinvent_activities_eu_tax_activities)
eco_activities_after_keywords_search |>
#> # A tibble: 10 × 9
#> ep_product activity_uuid_product_uuid ecoinvent_activity_name isic_4digit NACE tax_activity tax_activity_description tax_activity_keywords keyword_is_present
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl>
#> 1 ptfe sealing gaskets ff8730f0-d92e-54ed-9a8e-09fc7920cf87_888e7520-545c-4857-a07a-094575afe6ca sealing tape production, aluminium/PE, 50 mm wide 2220 C22.21 <NA> <NA> <NA> FALSE
#> 2 ptfe sealing gaskets ff8730f0-d92e-54ed-9a8e-09fc7920cf87_888e7520-545c-4857-a07a-094575afe6ca sealing tape production, aluminium/PE, 50 mm wide 2220 C22.22 <NA> <NA> <NA> FALSE
#> 3 ptfe sealing gaskets ff8730f0-d92e-54ed-9a8e-09fc7920cf87_888e7520-545c-4857-a07a-094575afe6ca sealing tape production, aluminium/PE, 50 mm wide 2220 C22.23 <NA> <NA> <NA> FALSE
#> 4 ptfe sealing gaskets ff8730f0-d92e-54ed-9a8e-09fc7920cf87_888e7520-545c-4857-a07a-094575afe6ca sealing tape production, aluminium/PE, 50 mm wide 2220 C22.29 <NA> <NA> <NA> FALSE
#> 5 bending 77ac10a7-6b05-5e27-8e5c-4358517b1ef6_8aa5cd19-c1ca-49f1-8efb-c7a28f5ad71f section bar rolling, steel 2410 C24.10 Manufacture of iron and steel Manufacture of iron and steel. The economic activities in thi… iron; steel; ferrous… TRUE
#> 6 bending 77ac10a7-6b05-5e27-8e5c-4358517b1ef6_8aa5cd19-c1ca-49f1-8efb-c7a28f5ad71f section bar rolling, steel 2410 C24.20 Manufacture of iron and steel Manufacture of iron and steel. The economic activities in thi… iron; steel; ferrous… TRUE
#> 7 bending 77ac10a7-6b05-5e27-8e5c-4358517b1ef6_8aa5cd19-c1ca-49f1-8efb-c7a28f5ad71f section bar rolling, steel 2410 C24.31 Manufacture of iron and steel Manufacture of iron and steel. The economic activities in thi… iron; steel; ferrous… TRUE
#> 8 bending 77ac10a7-6b05-5e27-8e5c-4358517b1ef6_8aa5cd19-c1ca-49f1-8efb-c7a28f5ad71f section bar rolling, steel 2410 C24.32 Manufacture of iron and steel Manufacture of iron and steel. The economic activities in thi… iron; steel; ferrous… TRUE
#> 9 bending 77ac10a7-6b05-5e27-8e5c-4358517b1ef6_8aa5cd19-c1ca-49f1-8efb-c7a28f5ad71f section bar rolling, steel 2410 C24.33 Manufacture of iron and steel Manufacture of iron and steel. The economic activities in thi… iron; steel; ferrous… TRUE
#> 10 bending 77ac10a7-6b05-5e27-8e5c-4358517b1ef6_8aa5cd19-c1ca-49f1-8efb-c7a28f5ad71f section bar rolling, steel 2410 C24.34 Manufacture of iron and steel Manufacture of iron and steel. The economic activities in thi… iron; steel; ferrous… TRUE
ChatGPT match validation between Ecoinvent activities and EU Taxonomy activities’ description
The EU taxonomy provides a description column for each taxonomy activity which contains more information about them. Hence, we propose to use this additional information to validate whether the ecoinvent activities will be covered by the taxonomy activity description or not. ChatGPT is used to validate the same using Yes
(covered well) and No
(not covered well) for each matched ecoinvent_activity_name
and tax_activity_description
. We used OpenAI’s gpt-4-turbo
model for validation with the following prompt:
"We have a dataframe with columns 'ecoinvent_activity_name' and
'taxonomy_activity_description'. Check row wise whether the ecoinvent activity
(column 'ecoinvent_activity_name') covered by the EU Taxonomy activity description
(column 'taxonomy_activity_description'). Please provide only one word answer
with `Yes` or `No` without any explaination, where `Yes` means covered well and
`No` means not covered well.
eco_activities_after_gpt_validation <- eco_activities_gpt_validation(eco_activities_after_keywords_search)
eco_activities_after_gpt_validation |>
#> # A tibble: 10 × 10
#> ep_product activity_uuid_product_uuid ecoinvent_activity_name isic_4digit NACE tax_activity tax_activity_description tax_activity_keywords keyword_is_present gpt_validation
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl> <chr>
#> 1 ptfe sealing gaskets ff8730f0-d92e-54ed-9a8e-09fc7920cf87_888e7520-545c-4857-a07a-094575afe6ca sealing tape production, aluminium/PE, 50 mm wide 2220 C22.21 <NA> <NA> <NA> FALSE No
#> 2 ptfe sealing gaskets ff8730f0-d92e-54ed-9a8e-09fc7920cf87_888e7520-545c-4857-a07a-094575afe6ca sealing tape production, aluminium/PE, 50 mm wide 2220 C22.22 <NA> <NA> <NA> FALSE No
#> 3 ptfe sealing gaskets ff8730f0-d92e-54ed-9a8e-09fc7920cf87_888e7520-545c-4857-a07a-094575afe6ca sealing tape production, aluminium/PE, 50 mm wide 2220 C22.23 <NA> <NA> <NA> FALSE No
#> 4 ptfe sealing gaskets ff8730f0-d92e-54ed-9a8e-09fc7920cf87_888e7520-545c-4857-a07a-094575afe6ca sealing tape production, aluminium/PE, 50 mm wide 2220 C22.29 <NA> <NA> <NA> FALSE No
#> 5 bending 77ac10a7-6b05-5e27-8e5c-4358517b1ef6_8aa5cd19-c1ca-49f1-8efb-c7a28f5ad71f section bar rolling, steel 2410 C24.10 Manufacture of iron and steel Manufacture of iron and steel. The economic ac… iron; steel; ferrous… TRUE Yes
#> 6 bending 77ac10a7-6b05-5e27-8e5c-4358517b1ef6_8aa5cd19-c1ca-49f1-8efb-c7a28f5ad71f section bar rolling, steel 2410 C24.20 Manufacture of iron and steel Manufacture of iron and steel. The economic ac… iron; steel; ferrous… TRUE Yes
#> 7 bending 77ac10a7-6b05-5e27-8e5c-4358517b1ef6_8aa5cd19-c1ca-49f1-8efb-c7a28f5ad71f section bar rolling, steel 2410 C24.31 Manufacture of iron and steel Manufacture of iron and steel. The economic ac… iron; steel; ferrous… TRUE Yes
#> 8 bending 77ac10a7-6b05-5e27-8e5c-4358517b1ef6_8aa5cd19-c1ca-49f1-8efb-c7a28f5ad71f section bar rolling, steel 2410 C24.32 Manufacture of iron and steel Manufacture of iron and steel. The economic ac… iron; steel; ferrous… TRUE Yes
#> 9 bending 77ac10a7-6b05-5e27-8e5c-4358517b1ef6_8aa5cd19-c1ca-49f1-8efb-c7a28f5ad71f section bar rolling, steel 2410 C24.33 Manufacture of iron and steel Manufacture of iron and steel. The economic ac… iron; steel; ferrous… TRUE Yes
#> 10 bending 77ac10a7-6b05-5e27-8e5c-4358517b1ef6_8aa5cd19-c1ca-49f1-8efb-c7a28f5ad71f section bar rolling, steel 2410 C24.34 Manufacture of iron and steel Manufacture of iron and steel. The economic ac… iron; steel; ferrous… TRUE Yes
EU Taxonomy-eligible Europages products
The Europages products which have “TRUE” in keyword_is_present
column and “Yes” in gpt_validation
column are considered EU Taxonomy-eligible because they are matched with EU Taxonomy activities (via ecoinvent activities) after ISIC-NACE mapping, keywords search, and ChatGPT validation. Here is a list of a small subset of EU Taxonomy-eligible Europages products:
tax_eligible_ep_products <- taxonomy_eligible(eco_activities_after_gpt_validation)
tax_eligible_ep_products |>
#> # A tibble: 5 × 10
#> ep_product activity_uuid_product_uuid ecoinvent_activity_name isic_4digit NACE tax_activity tax_activity_descript…¹ tax_activity_keywords keyword_is_present gpt_validation
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl> <chr>
#> 1 coating resins 48b91475-858c-5095-8080-b1daa4edb825_e28d7a4d-fb38-4f5e-aac0-359ecef77b45 orthophthalic acid based unsaturated polyester resin production 2013 C20.16 Manufacture of plastics in primary form Manufacture resins, pl… resin; plastic; ther… TRUE Yes
#> 2 thermoset parts 2b72139e-d6d5-5312-bf0f-d2b0b544228f_ffa87882-6302-430b-a4c2-45426a006ed7 isophthalic acid based unsaturated polyester resin production 2013 C20.16 Manufacture of plastics in primary form Manufacture resins, pl… resin; plastic; ther… TRUE Yes
#> 3 hand tools, non-power 985df177-4c01-544c-8740-4d019ee28fd7_fe95f2c3-b749-489d-ae35-6900865e6a48 forging, steel, large open die 2410 C24.10 Manufacture of iron and steel Manufacture of iron an… iron; steel; ferrous… TRUE Yes
#> 4 hand tools, non-power 985df177-4c01-544c-8740-4d019ee28fd7_fe95f2c3-b749-489d-ae35-6900865e6a48 forging, steel, large open die 2410 C24.20 Manufacture of iron and steel Manufacture of iron an… iron; steel; ferrous… TRUE Yes
#> 5 hand tools, non-power 985df177-4c01-544c-8740-4d019ee28fd7_fe95f2c3-b749-489d-ae35-6900865e6a48 forging, steel, large open die 2410 C24.31 Manufacture of iron and steel Manufacture of iron an… iron; steel; ferrous… TRUE Yes
#> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹tax_activity_description
EU Taxonomy Indicator at company level
After identifying Europages products which are EU Taxonomy-eligible, we want to find out which Europages companies have taxonomy-eligible Europages products. This section loads company level columns and then joins them with matched ecoinvent activities after gpt validation. Lastly, final step filters the Europages companies which have taxonomy-eligible Europages products.
Load company-level columns from ep_companies_ei_activities
ep_products_ei_activities_company <- ep_companies_ei_activities_at_company_level(ep_companies_ei_activities)
ep_products_ei_activities_company |>
#> # A tibble: 10 × 5
#> companies_id company_name country ep_product activity_uuid_product_uuid
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 ajtm-joints-detancheite_fra599358-00101 ajtm - joints d'étanchéité france ptfe sealing gaskets ff8730f0-d92e-54ed-9a8e-09fc7920cf87_888e7520-545c-4857-a07a-094575afe6ca
#> 2 ajtm-joints-detancheite_fra599358-00101 ajtm - joints d'étanchéité france bending 77ac10a7-6b05-5e27-8e5c-4358517b1ef6_8aa5cd19-c1ca-49f1-8efb-c7a28f5ad71f
#> 3 ajtm-joints-detancheite_fra599358-00101 ajtm - joints d'étanchéité france cutting 53dae40f-2bf3-5063-9aeb-4e9de4375cc7_c17bc9a6-70c2-49c3-ad5e-16840fa81178
#> 4 cades-penedes_00000003942579-001 cades penedes spain ethyl alcohol 46ef86a4-d9d5-5185-a2df-94a57b0e7b6f_1a71f77c-edaa-4365-a192-f54ac538d033
#> 5 cades-penedes_00000003942579-001 cades penedes spain phenols 9f3b74f9-c86d-5866-992f-e7a04ac19653_55b66789-289c-4f21-8d9b-3236e726b933
#> 6 cades-penedes_00000003942579-001 cades penedes spain derivatives 9917da7b-013f-5175-84eb-e337fbd13c3e_9f2fdfd0-e173-47e9-812f-2bee762d9d39
#> 7 cades-penedes_00000003942579-001 cades penedes spain tartaric acid b1cde6f9-fe23-5654-b1f5-6896f8da4906_9d63da75-8289-4b96-a900-67ec3bd40a16
#> 8 carlemsaph_00000005472318-001 carlemsaph france pharmaceutical raw material 5c5d1cdb-22df-5e58-a3c7-500e031f03e7_dc1ed0ff-fbaa-47a1-8962-4faff492788f
#> 9 carlemsaph_00000005472318-001 carlemsaph france cosmetic 67d97fc9-5854-547e-8c64-84f0deb101ad_779bed36-7f72-4921-b677-e92df06db499
#> 10 carlemsaph_00000005472318-001 carlemsaph france natural ingredient 82b0b82a-5afb-5078-ac5b-858549881b8b_e303fb73-b0e1-41ae-bddc-5e0e444eb3fb
Join matched ecoinvent activties after gpt validation to Europages companies
companies_matched_eco_activities <- ep_companies_join_matched_eco_activities(ep_products_ei_activities_company, eco_activities_after_gpt_validation)
companies_matched_eco_activities |>
#> # A tibble: 10 × 13
#> companies_id company_name country ep_product activity_uuid_product_uuid ecoinvent_activity_n…¹ isic_4digit NACE tax_activity tax_activity_descrip…² tax_activity_keywords keyword_is_present gpt_validation
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl> <chr>
#> 1 ajtm-joints-detancheite_fra599358-00101 ajtm - joints d'étanchéité france ptfe sealing gaskets ff8730f0-d92e-54ed-9a8e-09fc7920cf87_888e7520-545c-4857-a07a-094575… sealing tape producti… 2220 C22.… <NA> <NA> <NA> FALSE No
#> 2 ajtm-joints-detancheite_fra599358-00101 ajtm - joints d'étanchéité france ptfe sealing gaskets ff8730f0-d92e-54ed-9a8e-09fc7920cf87_888e7520-545c-4857-a07a-094575… sealing tape producti… 2220 C22.… <NA> <NA> <NA> FALSE No
#> 3 ajtm-joints-detancheite_fra599358-00101 ajtm - joints d'étanchéité france ptfe sealing gaskets ff8730f0-d92e-54ed-9a8e-09fc7920cf87_888e7520-545c-4857-a07a-094575… sealing tape producti… 2220 C22.… <NA> <NA> <NA> FALSE No
#> 4 ajtm-joints-detancheite_fra599358-00101 ajtm - joints d'étanchéité france ptfe sealing gaskets ff8730f0-d92e-54ed-9a8e-09fc7920cf87_888e7520-545c-4857-a07a-094575… sealing tape producti… 2220 C22.… <NA> <NA> <NA> FALSE No
#> 5 ajtm-joints-detancheite_fra599358-00101 ajtm - joints d'étanchéité france bending 77ac10a7-6b05-5e27-8e5c-4358517b1ef6_8aa5cd19-c1ca-49f1-8efb-c7a28f… section bar rolling, … 2410 C24.… Manufacture… Manufacture of iron a… iron; steel; ferrous… TRUE Yes
#> 6 ajtm-joints-detancheite_fra599358-00101 ajtm - joints d'étanchéité france bending 77ac10a7-6b05-5e27-8e5c-4358517b1ef6_8aa5cd19-c1ca-49f1-8efb-c7a28f… section bar rolling, … 2410 C24.… Manufacture… Manufacture of iron a… iron; steel; ferrous… TRUE Yes
#> 7 ajtm-joints-detancheite_fra599358-00101 ajtm - joints d'étanchéité france bending 77ac10a7-6b05-5e27-8e5c-4358517b1ef6_8aa5cd19-c1ca-49f1-8efb-c7a28f… section bar rolling, … 2410 C24.… Manufacture… Manufacture of iron a… iron; steel; ferrous… TRUE Yes
#> 8 ajtm-joints-detancheite_fra599358-00101 ajtm - joints d'étanchéité france bending 77ac10a7-6b05-5e27-8e5c-4358517b1ef6_8aa5cd19-c1ca-49f1-8efb-c7a28f… section bar rolling, … 2410 C24.… Manufacture… Manufacture of iron a… iron; steel; ferrous… TRUE Yes
#> 9 ajtm-joints-detancheite_fra599358-00101 ajtm - joints d'étanchéité france bending 77ac10a7-6b05-5e27-8e5c-4358517b1ef6_8aa5cd19-c1ca-49f1-8efb-c7a28f… section bar rolling, … 2410 C24.… Manufacture… Manufacture of iron a… iron; steel; ferrous… TRUE Yes
#> 10 ajtm-joints-detancheite_fra599358-00101 ajtm - joints d'étanchéité france bending 77ac10a7-6b05-5e27-8e5c-4358517b1ef6_8aa5cd19-c1ca-49f1-8efb-c7a28f… section bar rolling, … 2410 C24.… Manufacture… Manufacture of iron a… iron; steel; ferrous… TRUE Yes
#> # ℹ abbreviated names: ¹ecoinvent_activity_name, ²tax_activity_description
EU Taxonomy-eligible Europages companies
tax_eligible_ep_companies <- taxonomy_eligible(companies_matched_eco_activities)
tax_eligible_ep_companies |>
#> # A tibble: 10 × 13
#> companies_id company_name country ep_product activity_uuid_product_uuid ecoinvent_activity_n…¹ isic_4digit NACE tax_activity tax_activity_descrip…² tax_activity_keywords keyword_is_present gpt_validation
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl> <chr>
#> 1 ajtm-joints-detancheite_fra599358-00101 ajtm - joints d'étanchéité france bending 77ac10a7-6b05-5e27-8e5c-4358517b1ef6_8aa5cd19-c1ca-49f1-8efb… section bar rolling, … 2410 C24.… Manufacture… Manufacture of iron a… iron; steel; ferrous… TRUE Yes
#> 2 ajtm-joints-detancheite_fra599358-00101 ajtm - joints d'étanchéité france bending 77ac10a7-6b05-5e27-8e5c-4358517b1ef6_8aa5cd19-c1ca-49f1-8efb… section bar rolling, … 2410 C24.… Manufacture… Manufacture of iron a… iron; steel; ferrous… TRUE Yes
#> 3 ajtm-joints-detancheite_fra599358-00101 ajtm - joints d'étanchéité france bending 77ac10a7-6b05-5e27-8e5c-4358517b1ef6_8aa5cd19-c1ca-49f1-8efb… section bar rolling, … 2410 C24.… Manufacture… Manufacture of iron a… iron; steel; ferrous… TRUE Yes
#> 4 ajtm-joints-detancheite_fra599358-00101 ajtm - joints d'étanchéité france bending 77ac10a7-6b05-5e27-8e5c-4358517b1ef6_8aa5cd19-c1ca-49f1-8efb… section bar rolling, … 2410 C24.… Manufacture… Manufacture of iron a… iron; steel; ferrous… TRUE Yes
#> 5 ajtm-joints-detancheite_fra599358-00101 ajtm - joints d'étanchéité france bending 77ac10a7-6b05-5e27-8e5c-4358517b1ef6_8aa5cd19-c1ca-49f1-8efb… section bar rolling, … 2410 C24.… Manufacture… Manufacture of iron a… iron; steel; ferrous… TRUE Yes
#> 6 ajtm-joints-detancheite_fra599358-00101 ajtm - joints d'étanchéité france bending 77ac10a7-6b05-5e27-8e5c-4358517b1ef6_8aa5cd19-c1ca-49f1-8efb… section bar rolling, … 2410 C24.… Manufacture… Manufacture of iron a… iron; steel; ferrous… TRUE Yes
#> 7 cades-penedes_00000003942579-001 cades penedes spain phenols 9f3b74f9-c86d-5866-992f-e7a04ac19653_55b66789-289c-4f21-8d9b… phenol production, fr… 2011 C20.… Manufacture… Manufacture of: high … acetylene; ethylene;… TRUE Yes
#> 8 cades-penedes_00000003942579-001 cades penedes spain phenols 9f3b74f9-c86d-5866-992f-e7a04ac19653_55b66789-289c-4f21-8d9b… phenol production, fr… 2011 C20.… Manufacture… Manufacture of:high v… acetylene; ethylene;… TRUE Yes
#> 9 carlemsaph_00000005472318-001 carlemsaph france pharmaceutical raw material 5c5d1cdb-22df-5e58-a3c7-500e031f03e7_dc1ed0ff-fbaa-47a1-8962… market for propylene … 2011 C20.… Manufacture… Manufacture of: high … acetylene; ethylene;… TRUE Yes
#> 10 carlemsaph_00000005472318-001 carlemsaph france pharmaceutical raw material 5c5d1cdb-22df-5e58-a3c7-500e031f03e7_dc1ed0ff-fbaa-47a1-8962… market for propylene … 2011 C20.… Manufacture… Manufacture of:high v… acetylene; ethylene;… TRUE Yes
#> # ℹ abbreviated names: ¹ecoinvent_activity_name, ²tax_activity_description