This is an overview of tilt’s software and data.
Most links are public but some are restricted to the members of the domain 2degrees-investing.org, the members of the GitHub organization 2DegreesInvesting, or specific people.
How to understand what each repo is about
Towards the top, each repo has an “About” seciton with useful information or links.
Scrolling down past the folders and files, each repo has at least a short description of its goal, and commonly also the sections “Installation” and “Example”.
Most repos also have a website (linked in “About”) with a “Reference” and a “Changelog”.
How do repos or packages relate to each other
With few exceptions, each repo is structured as an R package. Every package must have a DESCRIPTION. In fact, it’s the defining feature of a package. If a package depends on another package, then that package dependency is listed under the fields Depends
, Imports
, Suggests
, or Remotes
lists packages that are not on CRAN, such as all of the packages in the tilt ecosystem. For example, this is the Remotes
section of the DESCRIPTION file of tiltIndicatorAfter:
This means that the package tiltIndicatorAfter depends on five other packages: tiltIndicator, tiltToyData, tiltAddCO2, tiltTransitionRisk, and tiltPolish. And they are all hosted on the GitHub organization 2DegreesInvesting.
Learn more in the book R Packages.
The app
The tilt app is our most public-facing technical product. It helps users learn about the tilt project, and explore and request data. It’s built with R shiny, structured as an R package, and hosted on Google Cloud Run.
The tilt app depends directly on two repos:
- tiltWebTool: Public software.
- tiltWebToolData: Private data used in the app.
For information about the tilt app project including links to the app see https://bit.ly/tilt-app-info. For an overview about building and hosting the app see https://bit.ly/tilt-app-videos.
How to update this website
This is a Quarto website. To update it, clone it’s repo from GitHub, do your changes, preview the results, render the site, push your changes to GitHub, and publish the updated site to GitHub Pages (video).