A dataset describing the arguments of run_trisk() and run_lrisk()



An object of class tbl_df (inherits from tbl, data.frame) with 13 rows and 6 columns.


#> # A tibble: 13 × 6
#>    name                    type      default allowed              min   max  
#>    <chr>                   <chr>     <chr>   <chr>                <chr> <chr>
#>  1 asset_type              character NA      equity, bonds, loans NA    NA   
#>  2 lgd                     double    0.45    NA                   0.3   0.9  
#>  3 risk_free_rate          double    0.02    NA                   0     0.05 
#>  4 discount_rate           double    0.07    NA                   0.015 0.1  
#>  5 growth_rate             double    0.03    NA                   0.01  0.099
#>  6 div_netprofit_prop_coef double    1       NA                   0.8   1    
#>  7 shock_year              double    2030    NA                   2025  2035 
#>  8 start_year              double    2022    NA                   2022  2022 
#>  9 settlement_factor       double    1       NA                   0     1    
#> 10 exp_share_damages_paid  double    0.027   NA                   0     1    
#> 11 scc                     double    40      NA                   0     10000
#> 12 market_passthrough      double    0       NA                   0     1    
#> 13 financial_stimulus      double    1       NA                   1     5