
In order to keep this vignette concise, we assume the following has been done:

  1. R and RStudio are installed.
  2. All required R packages are installed, specifically r2dii.climate.stress.test. Note that this may require installing additional packages. You will be prompted to install these in case any are missing.

Project input and output data structure

The analysis builds on project-agnostic input files that contain all the information necessary to run the climate stress test. The results can be subsequently matched to a specific loan book.

We recommend setting up one directory that contains input files.The exact names and locations of these directories can be chosen by the user, but we recommend choosing directories, from which the software can read and to which it is allowed to write data. It is also generally recommended to avoid special characters and white spaces in the name.

The user will also have to determine an output data directory. We recommend setting this up as a sub directory of the input directory.

NOTE: It is required to set up an output directory prior to running the analysis. If the software cannot find the directory that the user is pointing it to, it will fail with an error.

A recommended structure for the climate transition stress test project data folder would look like this:

  • example_project/
    • project_input
    • output

The project input data folder would look like this:

  • project_input/
    • prewrangled_financial_data_stress_test.csv
    • price_data_long.csv
    • Scenario_AnalysisInput_2021.csv
    • prewrangled_capacity_factors.csv
    • abcd_stress_test_input.csv

Next steps

After completing the setup, follow the vignettes on how to run the analysis: