Picks the corresponding values from the original scenario column indicated in the input and has the option to include PACTA based production forecast for the first few years of the late & sudden trajectory. Similarly, it is possible to define another input scenario in case the company is already aligned after the production forecast. If the production forecast is included, the trajectory after the end of the production forecast is offset by the initial production forecast so that the remainder of the late & sudden trajectory now is a parallel shift of the original scenario values. If not included, the trajectories replicate externally provided scenario trajectories at least until the year of the policy shock. Trajectories are calculated for each company by sector, scenario_geography, ald_business_unit, year. If no "company_id" or "company_name" are provided, the calculation switches to portfolio/ald_business_unit level.
A dataframe that contains the scenario data prepared until the step after the baseline trajectories are calculated.
Character. A string that indicates which of the scenarios included in the analysis should be used to set the late & sudden ald_business_unit trajectories.
A dataframe that contains information about the transition scenario, specifically the shock year and, duration of the shock and the name of the shock scenario
Character. A string that indicates which of the scenarios included in the analysis should be used to set the late & sudden ald_business_unit trajectories in case the company is aligned after the forecast period.
Numeric. A numeric vector of length 1 that contains the start year of the analysis.
Numeric. A numeric vector of length 1 that contains the end year of the analysis.
Numeric. A vector of length 1 indicating the number of years for which forward looking production data is considered.
String holding path to log file.
data frame
Other scenario definition: