These functions create cross-platform paths pointing to 2dii's Dropbox folder: Your projects may need data stored in 2dii's Dropbox folder. Sometimes it is convenient to have your projects close to the data. But, in this case, it is a bad idea because the path to 2dii's Dropbox folder has a problematic space and symbol. (For example, RStudio's Git pane may not work.) Instead, place your projects somewhere with a sane path, such as C:/Users/You/git/project/, and access the data you need with path_dropbox_2dii().




Character vectors, if any values are NA, the result will also be NA.


A character string.

Setup for a custom Dropbox folder

If the name of your 2dii Dropbox folder is different from the default, you may add this to .Rprofile (see usethis::edit_r_profile()):

options(r2dii_dropbox = "The name of your custom dropbox folder goes here")