r2dii.data 0.2.0 is now on CRAN

r2dii package release

Signifcant changes to ald_demo

Jackson Hoffart https://github.com/jdhoffa

r2dii.data 0.2.0 is now on CRAN. This release fixes a number of bugs that you can learn about here; this post shows enhancements and new features.

You can install it from CRAN with:


Then use them with:

The most notable update in this release relates to changes in the demonstration dataset ald_demo. This data is meant to reflect a dataset that is provided to users by the organization Asset Resolution.

ald_demo gains a column, loses a column, and has two renamed

ald_demo gains the new column lei, loses the column is_ultimate_listed_owner, and has two columns renamed:

The new column lei contains fake legal entity identifiers for some companies in ald_demo:

#> [1] "836000XMDHWKK968EK48" "455700GSGBA02FV7WZ58"
#> [3] "496300U7J971S488HF87" "722600T1N0JYQ1V4EL40"
#> [5] "188800KT6I2BFPQ8LR94" "497300211XTQ2K7LW961"

Changes to the other columns are simply cosmetic, and meant to better reflect the actual dataset that will be delivered to users.

Since these fields are not currently used in the downstream packages r2dii.match and r2dii.analysis, it is not expected that this should negatively affect users in a significant way.

ald_demo gains a new sector hdv

ald_demo also gains data points relating to the newly added sector Heavy-Duty Vehicle (hdv).

head(ald_demo[ald_demo$sector == "hdv", ])
#> # A tibble: 6 x 14
#>   company_id name_company lei        sector technology production_unit
#>   <chr>      <chr>        <chr>      <chr>  <chr>      <chr>          
#> 1 396        scania       890300GW0… hdv    electric   cars produced  
#> 2 396        scania       890300GW0… hdv    electric   cars produced  
#> 3 396        scania       890300GW0… hdv    electric   cars produced  
#> 4 396        scania       890300GW0… hdv    electric   cars produced  
#> 5 396        scania       890300GW0… hdv    electric   cars produced  
#> 6 396        scania       890300GW0… hdv    electric   cars produced  
#> # … with 8 more variables: year <int>, production <dbl>,
#> #   emission_factor <dbl>, country_of_domicile <chr>,
#> #   plant_location <chr>, is_ultimate_owner <lgl>,
#> #   ald_timestamp <chr>, emission_factor_unit <chr>


For attribution, please cite this work as

Hoffart (2021, June 29). Data science at 2DII: r2dii.data 0.2.0 is now on CRAN. Retrieved from https://2degreesinvesting.github.io/posts/2021-06-29-r2dii-data-0-2-0-is-now-on-cran/

BibTeX citation

  author = {Hoffart, Jackson},
  title = {Data science at 2DII: r2dii.data 0.2.0 is now on CRAN},
  url = {https://2degreesinvesting.github.io/posts/2021-06-29-r2dii-data-0-2-0-is-now-on-cran/},
  year = {2021}