r2dii.analysis 0.0.1 is now on CRAN

Tools to calculate climate targets for financial portfolios

Mauro Lepore https://github.com/maurolepore

Table of Contents

r2dii.analysis is an R package that provides tools to calculate climate targets for financial portfolios. The version 0.0.1 is the first one released on CRAN.

You can install it from CRAN with:


Then use it with:


The best place to know about this package is on its website. The home page details how to install and use this package, and includes a number of useful links – to try r2dii.analysis before you install it, to minimize installation errors, and to report bugs or raise issues. The navigation bar includes three important sections: (1) Get started introduces you to the package; (2) Reference lists every feature and links to its help file; and (3) Articles explains the Sectoral Decarbonization Approach (SDA), and the Market Share Approach.

As a preview, this snippet shows one feature of r2dii.analysis:


# Using the package r2dii.data to imitate loading data
loanbook <- loanbook_demo
ald <- ald_demo
co2 <- co2_intensity_scenario_demo

# Using the package r2dii.match to prepare the data
matched <- match_name(loanbook, ald) %>% prioritize()

matched %>% target_sda(ald = ald, co2_intensity_scenario = co2)
#> # A tibble: 28 x 4
#>    sector  year emission_factor_metric emission_factor_value
#>    <chr>  <dbl> <chr>                                  <dbl>
#>  1 cement  2020 projected                              0.664
#>  2 cement  2020 target                                 0.669
#>  3 cement  2020 scenario_benchmark                     0.7  
#>  4 cement  2021 projected                              0.665
#>  5 cement  2021 target                                 0.612
#>  6 cement  2021 scenario_benchmark                     0.64 
#>  7 cement  2022 projected                              0.666
#>  8 cement  2022 target                                 0.555
#>  9 cement  2022 scenario_benchmark                     0.580
#> 10 cement  2023 projected                              0.667
#> # … with 18 more rows


Although this release includes commits from only a few contributors (Clare2D, jdhoffa, maurolepore, vintented), it is thanks to ideas and feedback from many more colleagues at 2DII.


For attribution, please cite this work as

Lepore (2020, June 29). Data science at 2DII: r2dii.analysis 0.0.1 is now on CRAN. Retrieved from https://2degreesinvesting.github.io/posts/2020-06-29-r2dii-analysis-0-0-1/

BibTeX citation

  author = {Lepore, Mauro},
  title = {Data science at 2DII: r2dii.analysis 0.0.1 is now on CRAN},
  url = {https://2degreesinvesting.github.io/posts/2020-06-29-r2dii-analysis-0-0-1/},
  year = {2020}