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This function was deprecated because it's internal. Users don't need to interact with the function itself.





A "co2-like" data frame – i.e. containing products or upstream-products (a.k.a. inputs).


The input data frame with the additional columns grouped_by and profile_ranking and one row per benchmark per company.


library(readr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
options(readr.show_col_types = FALSE)

companies <- read_csv(toy_emissions_profile_any_companies())

products <- read_csv(toy_emissions_profile_products_ecoinvent())
products |> emissions_profile_any_compute_profile_ranking()
#> Warning: `emissions_profile_any_compute_profile_ranking()` was deprecated in
#> tiltIndicator
#>  This function is now internal.
#> # A tibble: 18 × 10
#>    grouped_by          profile_ranking activity_uuid_product_uuid  co2_footprint
#>    <chr>                         <dbl> <chr>                               <dbl>
#>  1 all                           0.667 bf94b5a7-b7a2-46d1-bb95-84…        10.4  
#>  2 all                           0.333 833caa78-30df-4374-900f-7f…         0.693
#>  3 all                           1     76269c17-78d6-420b-991a-aa…       303.   
#>  4 isic_4digit                   1     bf94b5a7-b7a2-46d1-bb95-84…        10.4  
#>  5 isic_4digit                   1     833caa78-30df-4374-900f-7f…         0.693
#>  6 isic_4digit                   1     76269c17-78d6-420b-991a-aa…       303.   
#>  7 tilt_subsector                1     bf94b5a7-b7a2-46d1-bb95-84…        10.4  
#>  8 tilt_subsector                1     833caa78-30df-4374-900f-7f…         0.693
#>  9 tilt_subsector                1     76269c17-78d6-420b-991a-aa…       303.   
#> 10 unit                          1     bf94b5a7-b7a2-46d1-bb95-84…        10.4  
#> 11 unit                          0.5   833caa78-30df-4374-900f-7f…         0.693
#> 12 unit                          1     76269c17-78d6-420b-991a-aa…       303.   
#> 13 unit_isic_4digit              1     bf94b5a7-b7a2-46d1-bb95-84…        10.4  
#> 14 unit_isic_4digit              1     833caa78-30df-4374-900f-7f…         0.693
#> 15 unit_isic_4digit              1     76269c17-78d6-420b-991a-aa…       303.   
#> 16 unit_tilt_subsector           1     bf94b5a7-b7a2-46d1-bb95-84…        10.4  
#> 17 unit_tilt_subsector           1     833caa78-30df-4374-900f-7f…         0.693
#> 18 unit_tilt_subsector           1     76269c17-78d6-420b-991a-aa…       303.   
#> # ℹ 6 more variables: ei_activity_name <chr>, ei_geography <chr>,
#> #   isic_4digit <chr>, tilt_sector <chr>, tilt_subsector <chr>, unit <chr>

inputs <- read_csv(toy_emissions_profile_upstream_products_ecoinvent())
inputs |> emissions_profile_any_compute_profile_ranking()
#> # A tibble: 96 × 13
#>    grouped_by profile_ranking activity_uuid_product_uuid        ei_activity_name
#>    <chr>                <dbl> <chr>                             <chr>           
#>  1 all                 0.25   833caa78-30df-4374-900f-7f88ab44… market for deep…
#>  2 all                 0.938  76269c17-78d6-420b-991a-aa38c51b… market for shed…
#>  3 all                 0.625  bf94b5a7-b7a2-46d1-bb95-84bc560b… iron-nickel-chr…
#>  4 all                 1      bf94b5a7-b7a2-46d1-bb95-84bc560b… iron-nickel-chr…
#>  5 all                 0.188  bf94b5a7-b7a2-46d1-bb95-84bc560b… iron-nickel-chr…
#>  6 all                 0.312  bf94b5a7-b7a2-46d1-bb95-84bc560b… iron-nickel-chr…
#>  7 all                 0.5    bf94b5a7-b7a2-46d1-bb95-84bc560b… iron-nickel-chr…
#>  8 all                 0.812  bf94b5a7-b7a2-46d1-bb95-84bc560b… iron-nickel-chr…
#>  9 all                 0.375  bf94b5a7-b7a2-46d1-bb95-84bc560b… iron-nickel-chr…
#> 10 all                 0.0625 bf94b5a7-b7a2-46d1-bb95-84bc560b… iron-nickel-chr…
#> # ℹ 86 more rows
#> # ℹ 9 more variables: ei_geography <chr>,
#> #   input_activity_uuid_product_uuid <chr>, input_co2_footprint <dbl>,
#> #   input_ei_activity_name <chr>, input_isic_4digit <chr>,
#> #   input_reference_product_name <chr>, input_tilt_sector <chr>,
#> #   input_tilt_subsector <chr>, input_unit <chr>