Outputs product-level columns of ep_companies_ei_activities
Outputs product-level columns of ep_companies_ei_activities
output <- ep_companies_ei_activities_at_product_level(ep_companies_ei_activities)
#> # A tibble: 117 × 4
#> ep_product activity_uuid_produc…¹ ecoinvent_activity_n…² isic_4digit
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 ptfe sealing gaske… ff8730f0-d92e-54ed-9a… sealing tape producti… 2220
#> 2 bending 77ac10a7-6b05-5e27-8e… section bar rolling, … 2410
#> 3 cutting 53dae40f-2bf3-5063-9a… potato haulm cutting 0161
#> 4 ethyl alcohol 46ef86a4-d9d5-5185-a2… ethyl acetate product… 2011
#> 5 phenols 9f3b74f9-c86d-5866-99… phenol production, fr… 2011
#> 6 derivatives 9917da7b-013f-5175-84… phenoxy-compound prod… 2021
#> 7 tartaric acid b1cde6f9-fe23-5654-b1… sulfuric acid product… 2012
#> 8 pharmaceutical raw… 5c5d1cdb-22df-5e58-a3… market for propylene … 2011
#> 9 cosmetic 67d97fc9-5854-547e-8c… market for toner, col… 2022
#> 10 natural ingredient 82b0b82a-5afb-5078-ac… market for used veget… 3830
#> # ℹ 107 more rows
#> # ℹ abbreviated names: ¹activity_uuid_product_uuid, ²ecoinvent_activity_name