Map NACE codes to Ecoinvent activities
Map NACE codes to Ecoinvent activities
output <- ecoinvent_activities_with_nace(ep_companies_ei_activities, isic_nace_mapper)
#> # A tibble: 256 × 8
#> companies_id company_name country ep_product activity_uuid_produc…¹
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 ajtm-joints-detanchei… ajtm - join… france ptfe seal… ff8730f0-d92e-54ed-9a…
#> 2 ajtm-joints-detanchei… ajtm - join… france ptfe seal… ff8730f0-d92e-54ed-9a…
#> 3 ajtm-joints-detanchei… ajtm - join… france ptfe seal… ff8730f0-d92e-54ed-9a…
#> 4 ajtm-joints-detanchei… ajtm - join… france ptfe seal… ff8730f0-d92e-54ed-9a…
#> 5 ajtm-joints-detanchei… ajtm - join… france bending 77ac10a7-6b05-5e27-8e…
#> 6 ajtm-joints-detanchei… ajtm - join… france bending 77ac10a7-6b05-5e27-8e…
#> 7 ajtm-joints-detanchei… ajtm - join… france bending 77ac10a7-6b05-5e27-8e…
#> 8 ajtm-joints-detanchei… ajtm - join… france bending 77ac10a7-6b05-5e27-8e…
#> 9 ajtm-joints-detanchei… ajtm - join… france bending 77ac10a7-6b05-5e27-8e…
#> 10 ajtm-joints-detanchei… ajtm - join… france bending 77ac10a7-6b05-5e27-8e…
#> # ℹ 246 more rows
#> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹activity_uuid_product_uuid
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: ecoinvent_activity_name <chr>, isic_4digit <chr>,
#> # NACE <chr>